ASA 103 Coastal Cruising Skipper
Prerequisites: ASA 101 Ocean Sailing Basics or previous ocean experience as skipper on 27-38 foot sailboat.

This course comprises four lessons. ASA 103 A, B and C are approximately three and a half hours each. ASA 103D is an all-day cruise.
Text: Coastal Cruising Made Easy
ASA 103A – Maneuvering and docking under power. If you completed ASA 101 in a small boat with an outboard or no engine, this lesson is essential. You’ll learn to maneuver alongside an extended dock as well as dock in a slip. You’ll learn to back. You’ll learn how to safely recover an MOB. Though we practice docking in every session, this is the one when you’ll get comfortable maneuvering a 36 foot boat that weighs 12,000 pounds.
Remember the ancient adage: the most dangerous parts of a cruise on a 36′ boat are the first 36 feet and the last 36 feet.
This session may be abbreviated or waived if you’ve got sufficient experience and are already comfortable maneuvering boats with inboard engines.

ASA 103B – Maneuvering under sail. Master tacking, jibing, safe use of two-speed, self-tailing winches, heave to, reef, sail to weather, sail everywhere else and trim, trim, trim for maximum speed AND learn how to reduce power, control weather helm and (passenger scaring) excessive heel.
ASA 103C – Navigation planning and anchoring. Learn the basics of navigating using paper charts, Chart One, Light List, tide tables and Local Notice to Mariners. Anchor at least twice, at least once as skipper and once as crew.

ASA 103D – Sail your plan. This is an all day trip of roughly 25 miles with you as skipper. We’ll use the plan you put together in 103C, modify it for existing conditions and head out into the Pacific. If you like, you can bring along a passenger (or two) at no extra charge. It’s a great trip and meant to be shared.
Duration: Approximately 16 hours including one full-day and a half-day.
ASA 103a,b,c $580/lesson M-Th, $690/lesson Friday-Sunday.
ASA 103d All day $1250 M-Th, $1438 Fri-Sun.
Call us: 805.750.7828 or SEND E-MAIL
Coastal Cruising Coaching/Practice
Course objectives:
So you’ve got your two basic quals, now what? Frankly, you need to practice. A lot. One way to get that practice is to continue sailing with me. Our insurance requires that I’m aboard, but you don’t have to use my services, and, unless asked, I’ll stay out of the way. We have a special “subscription rate” for you and you can get as much time on the boat as you want – and as much coaching as you want.
Call us: 805.750.7828 or SEND E-MAIL