“The two happiest days in a sailor’s life ….”
We’ve all heard that story – his happiest days are the day he buys his boat and the day he sells it. But if you’re in our sailing club you neither buy nor sell a boat. You just sail. You don’t do the maintenance.
You just sail. And if you don’t know how to sail or just want a break from the helm, you have one of our captains onboard to do the work … or coach … be your crew … or whatever you need.
There are only four members in the club and they can each sail either of our boats. They can reserve up to a week each month. And they can reserve up to 30 days in advance.
Want lessons? Members pay 50% of the published hourly rate for ASA 101 and 103 and pay $300/day for ASA 104 and 106, which are multi-day cruises. Of course, ASA gets a couple of bucks to handle the paperwork and provide certification, a logbook and so forth.
Club membership is $1,000 a month. When you consider it costs about $25,000/year to operate Sancerre, you understand why this is a bargain and the reasons behind the “happiest days” story.
Short term memberships are available for out-of-towners.
Call Capt. Dan 805.750.7828 for information and availability